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Blog Post

Take a Brand from 0 – Great

By webqmedia
| June 15, 2024

In this article

Dear Business Owners,

Picture yourself trying to make your brand the best one in town. You spend a lot of time making a big, shiny sign with your name on it. You even come up with a catchy rhyme to tell everyone how great your product looks, tastes & feels.

But sometimes, even with a fancy sign and catchy rhyme, not many people come to buy. You might feel lost because you spent a lot, hoping it would bring more leads.

A successful business takes a lot of hard work, and actually constraints an entrepreneurs’ freedom. Most things don’t go as planned.

We’ve consulted 50+ brands trying to delegate their operations to multiple 3rd-party agencies but couldn’t put out their head outside the business for 1 second.

That’s where a strong brand comes in.

There are common misconceptions about brand strategy that might be holding you back. You might think it’s only for big corporations or that it’s just about logos and colors. Let me assure you—it’s much more. It’s about building trust, connecting with your customers, and standing out in a crowded market. And yes, it’s for every business, big or small.

Now see your business as a ship. Paid ads & direct response marketing do the rowing to reach your destination fast. But a strong brand is your wind in sails, driving sustainable growth and guiding your business in front customers freely.

What if you’ve made it into one of the top leading brands—being the household name known to everyone. Brand strategy can make this a reality. It’s not just about today; it’s about future-proofing your business, ensuring sustainability in the coming years.

Now, let’s dive into each step to unlock the potential of your brand.

Branding Strategies for Small Businesses

Many times, businesses just focus on selling their stuff without making people remember them. Branding makes people associate your business to their favorite things. It’s like having a special spot in a big market where everyone knows what you’d do.

Lysol has consistently focused on promoting hygiene and cleanliness through its products, especially disinfectants and cleaning solutions.

An example of a campaign they ran to emphasize this association was the “Protect Like a Mother” campaign. This campaign portrayed mothers as fierce protectors against germs and illnesses, drawing a parallel between their role in the household and the effectiveness of Lysol products in keeping families safe and healthy. The campaign featured emotional storytelling and visuals that resonated with parents, reinforcing Lysol’s brand identity as a trusted protector against germs and promoting cleanliness in homes.

Customer Experience in Brand Success: Strategies That Build Trust

Businesses that forget to make customers feel happy and special, don’t come back. Customers remember the interaction more than the service or product quality.

When businesses prioritize customers feel happy at company’s expense. They tell their friends, and more people want to come to your shop. It’s like having a friend who always listens and helps when you need it.

One of the reasons how a $25B/yr making hotel, Marriott nails this point to their head – going above and beyond in customer experience

the story involving Marriott Hotels. In 2018, during the Kilauea volcanic eruption in Hawaii, a Marriott guest was evacuated from their hotel. Marriott not only covered the costs of their entire trip but also arranged and paid another reputable hotel for a 5 star-stay. Even during unforeseen circumstances. Marriott’s undying effort to customer satisfaction proves the numbers they’re hitting yearly.

Influencer Marketing for Brand Association to qualities you aspire to

Businesses want more people to know about them, but it’s hard to reach new customers sometimes. It’s like planning a big party but not telling anyone about it. Influencer marketing is like asking a popular friend to tell everyone about your party. When famous people say they like your shop, more people want to come and check it out.

At the same time there are do’s and don’t in influencer marketing.

Failed Influencer Marketing Example:
Company: Pepsi
Pepsi faced backlash after their controversial ad featuring Kendall Jenner, which was criticized for trivializing social justice movements.

Successful Influencer Marketing Example:
Company: Gymshark
Gymshark effectively leveraged influencers, particularly fitness personalities on platforms like Instagram and YouTube, to showcase their activewear. These collaborations not only boosted brand visibility but also aligned Gymshark with fitness enthusiasts, driving significant sales and brand loyalty.

How to Build a Unique Brand

Building a unique brand is crucial for standing out in today’s competitive market. Many businesses struggle with creating a distinct identity, often because they fail to understand their customers’ preferences or establish a cohesive brand strategy. In this blog, we’ll share scenarios to highlight these common problems, using metaphors to illustrate what businesses are doing wrong. Then, we’ll show how WebQ Media can help you build a successful brand by providing the correct approach and its benefits.

Establishing Your Brand Strategy

A. Understanding Customer Preferences

Imagine trying to sell ice cream in a community where most people are lactose intolerant. It doesn’t matter how delicious your product is; it won’t sell if you don’t understand your customers’ needs. Similarly, many businesses fail to tailor their products or services to their target audience’s preferences, leading to wasted efforts and poor results.

B. Identifying Business Solutions

Think of a ship lost at sea without a compass. Without identifying clear business solutions, you’re navigating your business blindly. Many companies make the mistake of offering solutions that don’t align with their customers’ problems. This misalignment leads to ineffective strategies and wasted resources.

C. Target Audience Audit

Picture a teacher preparing a lesson plan without knowing the students’ grade level. Without a thorough target audience audit, businesses are like that teacher—unable to deliver relevant and impactful messages. Knowing your audience is crucial to ensuring your brand’s message resonates.

D. Defining Core Beliefs

Core beliefs are the foundation of your brand, much like the roots of a tree. Without strong roots, a tree cannot stand tall. Similarly, businesses without clearly defined core beliefs struggle to establish a consistent and authentic brand identity.

E. Impact on the World

Think of your brand as a pebble thrown into a pond. The ripples represent your brand’s impact on the world. A well-established brand creates positive, far-reaching ripples. However, many businesses fail to recognize the broader impact of their brand, limiting their potential influence.

Crafting Verbal Identity

A. Evoking Emotions Through Language

Many business owners believe that simply stating facts and features about their product or service is enough to attract customers. They often overlook the importance of emotional connection, thinking that rational arguments alone will drive sales.

Consider a speech that leaves the audience unmoved. Without evoking emotions through language, your brand’s message can fall flat. Effective communication should stir emotions, creating a memorable and relatable brand experience.

Evoking emotions through language can lead to stronger customer loyalty, higher engagement, and increased word-of-mouth referrals. When customers feel an emotional connection to a brand, they are more likely to remember it and prefer it over competitors.

B. Clarifying Problem-Solution Dynamics

Imagine a doctor prescribing medicine without explaining the illness. If your brand doesn’t clearly define the problem it solves, customers may not see the value. Clarifying problem-solution dynamics is essential for conveying your brand’s purpose and benefits.

They may believe that listing features is sufficient, without explicitly connecting these features to the problems they solve. This clarity can lead to quicker decision-making and a stronger sense of trust and understanding between the brand and its customers

Business owners can achieve a loyal customer base that not only purchases repeatedly but also advocates for the brand. They can create marketing campaigns that deeply resonate with their target audience, resulting in higher conversion rates and long-term brand success.

C. Developing Unique Brand Voice

Is adopting the industry’s standard tone and language the safest bet? WRONG, Some business owners fear that a unique voice might alienate potential customers or seem unprofessional.

Without a unique voice, your brand blends into the background noise. Developing a unique brand voice ensures your message stands out and resonates with your audience.

Sets them apart from competitors and attracts a huge customer base with less ad budget. For people feel a personal connection to the brand, leading to sustained growth and a solid market position.

D. Competitive Analysis and Differentiation

Many business owners believe that focusing on their own strengths is enough and that competitive analysis is a secondary task. They might think that their unique selling points are obvious without comparing them to competitors.

Understanding the competition allows businesses to identify gaps in the market and areas where they can uniquely position themselves. It helps in highlighting what makes their brand special and why customers should choose them over others.

Business owners can achieve a clear and strong market position that makes them feared among competition. They can effectively communicate their unique benefits, leading to capturing the market share.

E. Testimonials and Brand Language

Testimonials provide social proof, which can significantly enhance trust and credibility. Consistent brand language reinforces the brand’s identity and helps build a reliable and recognizable presence across all platforms.

Business owners can build a strong reputation based on customer trust and satisfaction. They can create a cohesive brand experience that resonates across all touchpoints, leading to increased customer retention and positive word-of-mouth marketing.

Visual Identity: Brand Guidelines

Imagine a sports team without a uniform. Without brand guidelines, your visual identity lacks cohesion, leading to confusion. Brand guidelines ensure consistency and help establish a recognizable and trustworthy brand image.

Creating a compelling visual design is crucial for establishing a memorable and effective brand. The right visuals can communicate your brand’s values, attract your target audience, and differentiate you from competitors. Here are some do’s and don’ts to consider in your branding strategy.


1. Consistency in Brand Colors

  • Do: Use a consistent color palette across all brand materials. This helps in building brand recognition and creates a cohesive visual identity.
  • Tip: Choose colors that reflect your brand’s personality and values. For example, a financial brand might use blue for trust and stability, while a wellness brand might use green for health and tranquility.

2. Eye-catching Design Elements

  • Do: Incorporate design elements that catch the eye and make people stop scrolling. This can include bold typography, striking images, and unique layouts.
  • Tip: Use contrast and hierarchy to draw attention to key messages and calls to action.

3. Professional and High-quality Imagery

  • Do: Use high-quality images that are relevant to your brand and message. Professional imagery enhances credibility and appeal.
  • Tip: Invest in professional photography or high-quality stock photos that align with your brand’s tone and style.

4. Clarity and Simplicity

  • Do: Keep designs clear and simple to ensure your message is easily understood. Cluttered designs can confuse and deter your audience.
  • Tip: Focus on one main message per design and use whitespace effectively to avoid overwhelming your audience.

5. Alignment with Brand Values

  • Do: Ensure all visual elements align with your brand’s core beliefs and aspirations. Your visuals should consistently reinforce your brand’s message and values.
  • Tip: Regularly review your visual content to ensure it remains relevant and consistent with your brand’s evolving identity.


1. Avoid Opposite Representations

  • Don’t: Use visuals that contradict your brand’s values or message. For instance, a cleaning brand should not use images of dirt or clutter.
  • Example: A luxury brand should avoid using low-quality, tacky images that could diminish its high-end image.

2. Inconsistency in Visual Identity

  • Don’t: Use different colors, fonts, or styles across various platforms. Inconsistency can confuse your audience and weaken your brand identity.
  • Tip: Develop a brand style guide to ensure all visual content adheres to the same standards.

3. Overcomplicating Designs

  • Don’t: Overload your designs with too many elements or messages. This can make your content difficult to understand and less engaging.
  • Example: Avoid using multiple fonts or clashing colors that can create a chaotic and unprofessional look.

4. Ignoring Mobile Optimization

  • Don’t: Forget to optimize your visuals for mobile devices. A significant portion of your audience will view your content on their phones.
  • Tip: Test your designs on various screen sizes to ensure they look great everywhere.

5. Using Generic or Irrelevant Imagery

  • Don’t: Use stock images that don’t resonate with your brand or seem too generic. This can make your brand appear inauthentic.
  • Example: Avoid using clichéd stock photos that don’t add value to your message or differentiate your brand.

Effective visual design is about consistency, clarity, and alignment with your brand’s values. Ensure that every visual element you use supports and enhances your brand identity. By following these do’s and don’ts, you can create a visual branding strategy that not only catches the eye but also builds a strong, memorable, and authentic brand.

Remember: Your brand’s visuals are often the first impression you make on potential customers. Make sure that impression is a positive, lasting one.

Summary: Brand Strategy, Verbal Identity, & Visual Identity

In conclusion, establishing a unique brand involves understanding customer preferences, identifying business solutions, conducting a target audience audit, defining core beliefs, and recognizing your brand’s impact on the world. Crafting a compelling verbal identity through emotive language, clear problem-solution dynamics, a unique brand voice, competitive analysis, and testimonials is crucial. Finally, designing a cohesive visual identity with brand guidelines, a well-designed logo, visual consistency, and impactful packaging and presentation completes the picture.

WebQ Media excels in all these areas, offering expert guidance to help you build a unique and successful brand. With our strategic approach, you’ll avoid common pitfalls and create a brand that stands out, resonates with your audience, and drives success. We’re open for consultation calls this month and offer a results-first or don’t pay guarantee. With a proven track record working with real estate builders, global universities, coaches, and consultants, we’ve generated long-term, consistent leads for our clients.

Hear our Brand Success Stories and see the WebQ impact for yourself.

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